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Mortal Engines 3. Infernal Devices

Mortal Engines 3. Infernal Devices
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Zweigstelle Status Fällig am
105702199 Spra R 82
2. Etage - Sprachbereich   Zentralbibliothek . Verfügbar .  
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Feldname Details
Autor / Verfasser Reeve, Philip
Titel / Zusatz zum Titel Mortal Engines 3. Infernal Devices
Reihe Mortal Engines ; ; 3
Verlagsangaben London : Scholastic Ltd., 2018
Umfang / Illustrationen / Beilagen u.a. 364 Seiten ;
Sprache / Schrift Englisch
ISBN / 9781407189161 / 978-1-4071-8916-1
Regalstandort / Klassifikation Spra R 82
Inhaltsangabe The third thrilling book in the award-winning MORTAL ENGINES quartet. In a world removed from the huge motorized cities of MORTAL ENGINES, Wren is desperate to escape the static city of Anchorage, and a charming submarine pirate is ready to help her. But when she steals a mysterious object, she ignites a conflict that could tear the world apart. MORTAL ENGINES launched Philip Reeve's brilliantly-imagined creation, the world of the Traction Era, where mobile cities fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic future. Now, in time for the film debut, the critically acclaimed MORTAL ENGINES quartet is repackaged with a fantastic and eye-catching cover featuring new artwork.
Schlagwort Englisch
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