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Biography of Jim Morrison

Biography of Jim Morrison
Feldname Details
Titel / Zusatz zum Titel Biography of Jim Morrison : Elektronische Ressource
Verlagsangaben Hyperink,
Umfang / Illustrationen / Beilagen u.a. 33 S. ;
Sprache / Schrift Englisch
ISBN / 9781614641957
Inhaltsangabe Rock star, poet, filmmaker, and self-proclaimed shaman. Jim Morrison is the archetype of the modern rock star. As lead singer of the celebrated 1960s rock band The Doors, Morrison electrified audiences with his wild front man persona. Defiantly strutting the stage in his trademark leather pants, Morrison scowled, smiled, whispered and screamed his way to rock star immortality, a spellbinding entertainer at the pinnacle of his art. Morrisons primal scream was an invitation to the other side - the Jungian collective unconscious of dreams and nightmares. He advocated an all-out pursuit of personal freedom. As a symbol, Morrison is the blueprint for the modern rock star, a sultry rebel oozing sex and danger. Morrison is one of the most influential singer-songwriters in music history. As the poet punk of his time. The Doors were arguably historys first punk rock band, if not in sound then certainly in style and philosophy. Morrison influenced a long line of talented poet-musicians. Just as Elvis Presley influenced a generation of musicians, the anarchic spirit of Jim Morrison lives on. Personifying an aggressive punk rock ethos, Morrison changed rock music forever. Autor: Soler, Andrew
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