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¬The¬ Litigators

¬The¬ Litigators
Feldname Details
Autor / Verfasser Grisham, John
Titel / Zusatz zum Titel ¬The¬ Litigators : Elektronische Ressource
Verlagsangaben Random House Digital,
Umfang / Illustrationen / Beilagen u.a. 496 S. ;
Sprache / Schrift Englisch
ISBN / 9780385535250
Inhaltsangabe The partners at Finley & Figg often refer to themselves as a âboutique law firm."<i>Boutique, </i>as in <i>chic, selective, </i>and <i>prosperous</i>. Oscar Finley and Wally Figg are none of these things. They are a two-bit operation of ambulance chasers who bicker like an old married couple. Until change comes their wayâ"or, more accurately, stumbles in. After leaving a fast-track career and going on a serious bender, David Zinc is sober, unemployed, and desperate enough to take a job at Finley & Figg.<br><br>Now the firm is ready to tackle a case that could make the partners richâ"without requiring them to actually practice much law. A class action suit has been brought against Varrick Labs, a pharmaceutical giant with annual sales of 5 billion, alleging that Krayoxx, its most popular drug, causes heart attacks. Wally smells money. All Finley & Figg has to do is find a handful of Krayoxx users to join the suit. It almost seems too good to be true . . . and it is.<br><br><b>Includes an excerpt of John Grishamâs <i>Calico Joe</i> and a special preview of his upcoming novel<i>The Racketeer</i></b> .
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